Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/tmp/anaconda-vine-", line 789, in nextClicked self.dispatch.gotoNext() File "/var/tmp/anaconda-vine-", line 171, in gotoNext self.moveStep() File "/var/tmp/anaconda-vine-", line 239, in moveStep rc = apply(func, self.bindArgs(args)) File "/var/tmp/anaconda-vine-", line 159, in readPackages hdrlist = method.readHeaders() File "/var/tmp/anaconda-vine-", line 155, in readHeaders if not self.discImages.has_key(h[1000002]): TypeError: list objects are unhashable Local variables in innermost frame: h: umb-scheme-0:3.2-29vl2.i386 self: hl: missing_images: [] Dispatcher instance, containing members: intf: InstallInterface instance, containing members: intf.icw: InstallControlWindow instance, containing members: intf.icw.displayHelp: True intf.icw.releaseNotesViewerPid: None intf.icw.help_sw: intf.icw.nextButtonStock: intf.icw.dispatch: Already dumped intf.icw.reloadRcQueued: 0 intf.icw.ii: Already dumped intf.icw.installFrame: intf.icw.debugButton: intf.icw.table: intf.icw.releaseButton: intf.icw.hbox: intf.icw.helpFrame: intf.icw.windowList: [] intf.icw.window: intf.icw.helpState: True intf.icw.releaseNotesStartViewer: 0 intf.icw.prevButtonStock: intf.icw.configFileData: {'TitleBar': pixmaps/anaconda_header.png, 'Title': Vine Linux Beta, 'Splashscreen': pixmaps/first.png, 'WelcomeScreen': pixmaps/splash.png} intf.icw.bin: intf.icw.handle: 116 intf.icw.releaseNotesStartViewerAttempts: 0 intf.icw.buttonBox: intf.icw.hideHelpButton: intf.icw.currentWindow: AdvancedBootloaderWindow instance, containing members: intf.icw.currentWindow.intf: Already dumped intf.icw.currentWindow.forceLBA: intf.icw.currentWindow.parent: x86BootloaderInfo instance, containing members: 0 0 1 mbr None KernelArguments instance, containing members: /boot/ hda /etc/lilo.conf 0 None 1 None BootImages instance, containing members: hda3 {'hda3': ('linux', 'Vine Linux', 'ext3')} [hda] 0 None False intf.icw.currentWindow.options_vbox: intf.icw.currentWindow.blloc: BootloaderLocationWidget instance, containing members: intf.icw.currentWindow.blloc.widget: intf.icw.currentWindow.blloc.intf: Already dumped intf.icw.currentWindow.blloc.parent: Already dumped intf.icw.currentWindow.blloc.driveOrder: [hda] intf.icw.currentWindow.blloc.fsset: FileSystemSet instance, containing members: intf.icw.currentWindow.blloc.fsset.messageWindow: > intf.icw.currentWindow.blloc.fsset.volumesCreated: 0 intf.icw.currentWindow.blloc.fsset.progressWindow: > intf.icw.currentWindow.blloc.fsset.migratedfs: 0 intf.icw.currentWindow.blloc.fsset.waitWindow: > intf.icw.currentWindow.blloc.fsset.entries: [fsentry -- device: hda3 mountpoint: / fsystem: ext3 format: 0 ismounted: 1 , fsentry -- device: hda1 mountpoint: /boot fsystem: ext3 format: 0 ismounted: 1 , fsentry -- device: none mountpoint: /dev/pts fsystem: devpts format: 0 ismounted: 0 , fsentry -- device: none mountpoint: /dev/shm fsystem: tmpfs format: 0 ismounted: 0 , fsentry -- device: none mountpoint: /proc fsystem: proc format: 0 ismounted: 1 , fsentry -- device: none mountpoint: /sys fsystem: sysfs format: 0 ismounted: 1 , fsentry -- device: hda2 mountpoint: swap fsystem: swap format: 0 ismounted: 1 ] intf.icw.currentWindow.blloc.fsset.mountcount: 5 intf.icw.currentWindow.blloc.usingGrub: 1 intf.icw.currentWindow.blloc.bootDevices: {'boot': (, 'hda1', 'First sector of boot partition'), 'mbr': (, 'hda', 'Master Boot Record (MBR)')} intf.icw.currentWindow.blloc.diskset: DiskSet instance, containing members: intf.icw.currentWindow.blloc.diskset.disks: {'hda': } intf.icw.currentWindow.blloc.diskset.onlyPrimary: None intf.icw.currentWindow.dispatch: Already dumped intf.icw.currentWindow.appendEntry: intf.icw.currentWindow.ics: InstallControlState instance, containing members: intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.nextButtonLabel: None intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.helpButtonEnabled: True intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.searchPath: ('/mnt/source/RHupdates', './', '/usr/share/anaconda/') intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.prevButtonLabel: None intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.grabNext: 0 intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.title: 高度なブートローダー設定 intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.nextButtonInfo: None intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.prevButton: gtk-prev intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.html: intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.helpEnabled: 3 intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.nextEnabled: 1 intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.htmlFile: advbootloader intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.prevEnabled: 1 Already dumped intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.nextButton: gtk-next intf.icw.releaseNotesType: text intf.icw.langSearchPath: [ja_JP.eucJP, ja_JP, ja, C] intf.icw.showHelpButton: intf.icw.dir: 1 intf.runres: 800x600 intf.dispatch: Already dumped instPath: /mnt/sysimage dispatch: Already dumped skipSteps: {'writeconfig': 1, 'xcustom': 1, 'firewall': 1, 'firstboot': 1, 'desktopchoice': 1, 'writexconfig': 1, 'installtype': 1, 'accounts': 1, 'makebootdisk': 1, 'keyboard': 2, 'timezone': 1, 'autopartition': 1, 'selectlangpackages': 1, 'confirminstall': 1, 'monitor': 1, 'partitionmethod': 1, 'handleX11pkgs': 1, 'setuptime': 1, 'betanag': 1, 'fdasd': 1, 'authentication': 1, 'autopartitionexecute': 1, 'fdisk': 1, 'zfcpconfig': 1, 'checkmonitorok': 1, 'languagesupport': 1, 'partitionmethodsetup': 1, 'networkdevicecheck': 1, 'setsanex': 1, 'partitiondone': 1, 'indivpackage': 1, 'addswap': 1, 'upgrademigratefs': 1, 'network': 1, 'enablefilesystems': 1, 'language': 2, 'upgradeswapsuggestion': 1, 'partition': 1, 'videocard': 1, 'bootdisk': 1, 'package-selection': 1, 'writeksconfig': 1, 'setfilecon': 1} method: HardDriveInstallMethod instance, containing members: method.messageWindow: > method.discImages: {1: vine40.iso, 2: vine40.iso, 3: vine40.iso} method.tree: None method.isoDir: /mnt/sysimage/ method.fnames: {} method.rootPath: /mnt/sysimage method.fstype: ext2 method.device: hda3 method.path: method.mediaIsMounted: 0 method.isoDirIsMounted: 0 step: 37 flags: Flags instance, containing members: flags.flags: {'virtpconsole': None, 'display_mode': g, 'expert': 0, 'selinux': 0, 'runks': 0, 'rootpath': 0, 'autostep': 0, 'setupFilesystems': 1, 'usevnc': 0, 'autoscreenshot': 0, 'test': 0, 'serial': 0} firstStep: 0 id: InstallData instance, containing members: id.dbpath: None id.firewall: Firewall instance, containing members: [Service instance, containing members: ports: [22:tcp] name: Remote Login (SSH) key: ssh allowed: 0 , Service instance, containing members: ports: [80:tcp] name: Web Server (HTTP, HTTPS) key: http allowed: 0 , Service instance, containing members: ports: [21:tcp] name: File Transfer (FTP) key: ftp allowed: 0 , Service instance, containing members: ports: [25:tcp] name: Mail Server (SMTP) key: smtp allowed: 0 ] id.firewall.portlist: [] id.firewall.trustdevs: [] id.firewall.enabled: 1 id.rootParts: [('hda3', 'ext3', 'Vine Linux 3.2')] id.upgradeDeps: id.upgradeRoot: [('hda3', 'ext3')] id.xsetup: XSetup instance, containing members: id.xsetup.skipx: 0 id.xsetup.imposed_sane_default: 0 id.xsetup.xhwstate: XF86HardwareState instance, containing members: id.xsetup.xhwstate.probed_physical_height: 0 id.xsetup.xhwstate.probed_video_ram: 2048 id.xsetup.xhwstate.videocard_PCIBus: None id.xsetup.xhwstate.colordepth: 16 id.xsetup.xhwstate.monitor_name: Unknown monitor id.xsetup.xhwstate.dri_enabled: 1 id.xsetup.xhwstate.monitor: monName: Unknown monitor monID: Unprobed Monitor monHoriz: 31.5-37.9 monVert: 50-70 physicalWidth: 0 physicalHeight: 0 id.xsetup.xhwstate.videocard_name: Silicon Motion Lynx (generic) id.xsetup.xhwstate.video_ram: 0 id.xsetup.xhwstate.videocard_driver: siliconmotion id.xsetup.xhwstate.videocard_options: [] id.xsetup.xhwstate.vsync: 50-70 id.xsetup.xhwstate.physical_height: 0 id.xsetup.xhwstate.probed_vsync: 50-70 id.xsetup.xhwstate.physical_width: 0 id.xsetup.xhwstate.hsync: 31.5-37.9 id.xsetup.xhwstate.probed_physical_width: 0 id.xsetup.xhwstate.xconfig: None id.xsetup.xhwstate.all_resolutions: [640x480, 800x480, 800x512, 800x600, 1024x600, 1024x768, 1152x768, 1152x864, 1280x600, 1280x768, 1280x800, 1280x960, 1280x1024, 1366x768, 1400x1050, 1440x900, 1600x1024, 1600x1200, 1680x1050, 1900x1200, 1920x1080, 1920x1200, 1920x1440, 2048x1536] id.xsetup.xhwstate.videocard: primary: 0 vidCards: [] Primary Video Card Info: device: fb0 descr : Silicon Motion, Inc. SM712 LynxEM+ server: Xorg cardManf: None vidRam: 2048 carddata: {'': '', 'CHIPSET': 'Lynx', 'DRIVER': 'siliconmotion', 'NAME': 'Silicon Motion Lynx (generic)', 'NOCLOCKPROBE': ''} devID: Silicon Motion Lynx (generic) fbmodes: None fbbpp: None id.xsetup.xhwstate.videocard_PCIFn: None id.xsetup.xhwstate.probed_hsync: 31.5-37.9 id.xsetup.xhwstate.resolution: 800x600 id.xsetup.xhwstate.videocard_PCIDev: None id.keyboard: Keyboard instance, containing members: {'KEYBOARDTYPE': pc, 'KEYTABLE': jp106} id.keyboard.type: PC id.keyboard.beenset: 0 id.timezone: Timezone instance, containing members: id.timezone.utc: 0 id.timezone.utcOffset: 0 id.timezone.arc: 0 None id.timezone.dst: 0 id.mouse: FULLNAME="Generic - 3 Button Mouse (PS/2)" MOUSETYPE="imps2" XEMU3="no" XMOUSETYPE="IMPS/2" id.upgrade: Boolean instance, containing members: id.upgrade.val: 1 id.monitor: Already dumped id.methodstr: hd://hda3:ext2/ id.fsset: Already dumped id.desktop: Desktop instance, containing members: {} id.desktop.runlevel: 3 id.x_already_set: 0 id.langSupport: Language instance, containing members: {'SUPPORTED': None} id.langSupport.default: None id.langSupport.supported: [] id.partitions: Partitions instance, containing members: id.partitions.useFdisk: 0 id.partitions.useAutopartitioning: 1 id.partitions.autoClearPartType: 3 id.partitions.nextUniqueID: 5 id.partitions.reinitializeDisks: 0 id.partitions.autoClearPartDrives: None id.partitions.zeroMbr: 0 id.partitions.isKickstart: 0 id.partitions.requests: [PreexistingPartitionSpec instance, containing members: currentDrive: None migrate: None origfstype: ext3FileSystem instance, containing members: origfstype.partedPartitionFlags: [] origfstype.checked: 1 ext3 origfstype.migratetofs: None origfstype.deviceArguments: {} origfstype.linuxnativefs: 1 origfstype.maxSizeMB: 8388608 origfstype.supported: -1 origfstype.defaultOptions: defaults origfstype.packages: [e2fsprogs] origfstype.extraFormatArgs: [-j] origfstype.formattable: 1 origfstype.partedFileSystemType: origfstype.maxLabelChars: 16 primary: None dev: None uniqueID: 1 mountpoint: None requestSize: 203.919433594 size: 203.919433594 end: 417689 grow: 0 start: 63 ignoreBootConstraints: 0 type: 1 badblocks: None format: None fstype: Already dumped preexist: 1 device: hda1 maxSizeMB: None drive: hda fslabel: /boot protected: 0 multidrive: None , PreexistingPartitionSpec instance, containing members: currentDrive: None migrate: None origfstype: swapFileSystem instance, containing members: origfstype.partedPartitionFlags: [] origfstype.checked: 0 swap origfstype.migratetofs: None origfstype.deviceArguments: {} origfstype.linuxnativefs: 1 origfstype.maxSizeMB: 8388608 origfstype.supported: 1 origfstype.defaultOptions: defaults origfstype.packages: [] origfstype.extraFormatArgs: [] origfstype.formattable: 1 origfstype.partedFileSystemType: origfstype.maxLabelChars: 16 primary: None dev: None uniqueID: 2 mountpoint: None requestSize: 509.875488281 size: 509.875488281 end: 1461914 grow: 0 start: 417690 ignoreBootConstraints: 0 type: 1 badblocks: None format: None fstype: Already dumped preexist: 1 device: hda2 maxSizeMB: None drive: hda fslabel: None protected: 0 multidrive: None , PreexistingPartitionSpec instance, containing members: currentDrive: None migrate: None origfstype: Already dumped primary: None dev: None uniqueID: 3 mountpoint: None requestSize: 2047.34619141 size: 2047.34619141 end: 5654879 grow: 0 start: 1461915 ignoreBootConstraints: 0 type: 1 badblocks: None format: None fstype: Already dumped preexist: 1 device: hda3 maxSizeMB: None drive: hda fslabel: / protected: 0 multidrive: None , PreexistingPartitionSpec instance, containing members: currentDrive: None migrate: None origfstype: None primary: None dev: None uniqueID: 4 mountpoint: None requestSize: 16316.015625 size: 16316.015625 end: 39070079 grow: 0 start: 5654880 ignoreBootConstraints: 0 type: 1 badblocks: None format: None fstype: None preexist: 1 device: hda-1 maxSizeMB: None drive: hda fslabel: None protected: 0 multidrive: None ] id.partitions.autoPartitionRequests: [] id.partitions.deletes: [] id.firstboot: 0 id.configFileData: {'TitleBar': pixmaps/anaconda_header.png, 'Title': Vine Linux Beta, 'Splashscreen': pixmaps/first.png, 'WelcomeScreen': pixmaps/splash.png} id.compspkg: None id.upgradeInfoFound: None id.zfcp: ZFCP instance, containing members: id.zfcp.description: zSeries マシンはファイバーチャンネル (FCP) によって業界基準 SCSI デバイスにアクセスすることができます。各装置のために 5 つのパラメーターを提供する必要があります: 16 ビットの装置番号、16 ビットの SCSI ID、64 ビットの世界的なポート番号 (WWPN)、16 ビットの SCSI LUN および 64 ビットの FCP LUN です。 id.zfcp.fcpdevices: [] id.zfcp.options: [('\xe3\x83\x87\xe3\x83\x90\xe3\x82\xa4\xe3\x82\xb9\xe7\x95\xaa\xe5\x8f\xb7', 1, '\xe3\x83\x87\xe3\x83\x90\xe3\x82\xa4\xe3\x82\xb9\xe7\x95\xaa\xe5\x8f\xb7\xe3\x82\x92\xe6\x8c\x87\xe5\xae\x9a\xe3\x81\x97\xe3\x81\xa6\xe3\x81\x84\xe3\x81\xaa\xe3\x81\x84\xe3\x81\x8b\xe7\x95\xaa\xe5\x8f\xb7\xe3\x81\x8c\xe7\x84\xa1\xe5\x8a\xb9\xe3\x81\xa7\xe3\x81\x99\xe3\x80\x82', >, >), ('SCSI ID', 0, 'SCSI ID \xe3\x82\x92\xe6\x8c\x87\xe5\xae\x9a\xe3\x81\x97\xe3\x81\xa6\xe3\x81\x84\xe3\x81\xaa\xe3\x81\x84\xe3\x81\x8b\xe3\x80\x81ID \xe3\x81\x8c\xe7\x84\xa1\xe5\x8a\xb9\xe3\x81\xa7\xe3\x81\x99\xe3\x80\x82', >, >), ('WWPN', 1, '\xe3\x83\xaf\xe3\x83\xbc\xe3\x83\xab\xe3\x83\x89\xe3\x83\xaf\xe3\x82\xa4\xe3\x83\x89\xe3\x81\xaa\xe3\x83\x9d\xe3\x83\xbc\xe3\x83\x88\xe5\x90\x8d\xe3\x82\x92\xe6\x8c\x87\xe5\xae\x9a\xe3\x81\x97\xe3\x81\xa6\xe3\x81\x84\xe3\x81\xaa\xe3\x81\x84\xe3\x81\x8b\xe3\x80\x81\xe5\x90\x8d\xe5\x89\x8d\xe3\x81\x8c\xe7\x84\xa1\xe5\x8a\xb9\xe3\x81\xa7\xe3\x81\x99\xe3\x80\x82', >, >), ('SCSI LUN', 0, 'SCSI LUN \xe3\x82\x92\xe6\x8c\x87\xe5\xae\x9a\xe3\x81\x97\xe3\x81\xa6\xe3\x81\x84\xe3\x81\xaa\xe3\x81\x84\xe3\x81\x8b\xe3\x80\x81\xe7\x95\xaa\xe5\x8f\xb7\xe3\x81\x8c\xe7\x84\xa1\xe5\x8a\xb9\xe3\x81\xa7\xe3\x81\x99\xe3\x80\x82', >, >), ('FCP LUN', 1, 'FCP FUN \xe3\x82\x92\xe6\x8c\x87\xe5\xae\x9a\xe3\x81\x97\xe3\x81\xa6\xe3\x81\x84\xe3\x81\xaa\xe3\x81\x84\xe3\x81\x8b\xe3\x80\x81\xe7\x95\xaa\xe5\x8f\xb7\xe3\x81\x8c\xe7\x84\xa1\xe5\x8a\xb9\xe3\x81\xa7\xe3\x81\x99\xe3\x80\x82', >, >)] id.grpset: None id.upgradeRemove: [] id.excludeDocs: 0 id.auth: Authentication instance, containing members: id.auth.hesiodLhs: id.auth.useKrb5: 0 id.auth.useShadow: 1 id.auth.krb5Realm: id.auth.ldapTLS: id.auth.useMD5: 1 id.auth.enableCache: 0 id.auth.useLdapauth: 0 id.auth.hesiodRhs: id.auth.useLdap: 0 id.auth.useNIS: 0 id.auth.nisuseBroadcast: 1 id.auth.sambaServer: id.auth.nisDomain: id.auth.sambaWorkgroup: id.auth.useSamba: 0 id.auth.ldapBasedn: id.auth.krb5Admin: id.auth.ldapServer: id.auth.useHesiod: 0 id.auth.krb5Kdc: id.auth.nisServer: id.dependencies: [] id.useraccount: Tinyuser instance, containing members: id.useraccount.passwd: None id.useraccount.gecos: None None id.bootloader: Already dumped id.extraModules: [] Network instance, containing members: localhost.localdomain 0 {} None 0 [] id.instClass: InstallClass instance, containing members: id.floppyDevice: fd0 id.isHeadless: 0 id.videocard: Already dumped id.instLanguage: InstallTimeLanguage instance, containing members: id.instLanguage.tempDefault: id.instLanguage.current: ja_JP.eucJP id.diskset: Already dumped id.handleDeps: 0 Security instance, containing members: 0 id.upgradeSwapInfo: None dir: 1 /tmp/syslog: <5>Linux version 2.6.16-0vl28 ( (gcc С 3.3.6 release (Vine Linux 3.3.6-0vl6)) #1 Tue Aug 29 05:09:43 JST 2006 <6>BIOS-provided physical RAM map: <4> BIOS-e820: 0000000000000000 - 000000000009f800 (usable) <4> BIOS-e820: 000000000009f800 - 00000000000a0000 (reserved) <4> BIOS-e820: 00000000000e0000 - 0000000000100000 (reserved) <4> BIOS-e820: 0000000000100000 - 000000000bff0000 (usable) <4> BIOS-e820: 000000000bff0000 - 000000000bfffc00 (ACPI data) <4> BIOS-e820: 000000000bfffc00 - 000000000c000000 (ACPI NVS) <4> BIOS-e820: 00000000fff80000 - 0000000100000000 (reserved) <5>0MB HIGHMEM available. <5>191MB LOWMEM available. <7>On node 0 totalpages: 49136 <7> DMA zone: 4096 pages, LIFO batch:0 <7> DMA32 zone: 0 pages, LIFO batch:0 <7> Normal zone: 45040 pages, LIFO batch:7 <7> HighMem zone: 0 pages, LIFO batch:0 <6>DMI 2.3 present. <7>ACPI: RSDP (v000 PTLTD ) @ 0x000f6c10 <7>ACPI: RSDT (v001 PTLTD RSDT 0x06040000 LTP 0x00000000) @ 0x0bffcd74 <7>ACPI: FADT (v001 IBM TP240 0x06040000 PTL 0x000f4240) @ 0x0bfffb65 <7>ACPI: BOOT (v001 PTLTD $SBFTBL$ 0x06040000 LTP 0x00000001) @ 0x0bfffbd9 <7>ACPI: DSDT (v001 PTL BX-TJ 0x06040000 MSFT 0x0100000b) @ 0x00000000 <3>ACPI: BIOS age (1999) fails cutoff (2001), acpi=force is required to enable ACPI <4>ACPI: Disabling ACPI support <4>Allocating PCI resources starting at 10000000 (gap: 0c000000:f3f80000) <4>Built 1 zonelists <5>Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=linux_boot ro root=303 resume2=swap:/dev/hda2 <6>Enabling fast FPU save and restore... done. <6>Enabling unmasked SIMD FPU exception support... done. <6>Initializing CPU#0 <4>PID hash table entries: 1024 (order: 10, 16384 bytes) <4>Detected 448.130 MHz processor. <6>Using tsc for high-res timesource <4>Console: colour dummy device 80x25 <4>Dentry cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 5, 131072 bytes) <4>Inode-cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 4, 65536 bytes) <6>Memory: 187132k/196544k available (2023k kernel code, 8932k reserved, 946k data, 188k init, 0k highmem) <4>Checking if this processor honours the WP bit even in supervisor mode... Ok. <4>Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 897.51 BogoMIPS (lpj=1795027) <4>Mount-cache hash table entries: 512 <7>CPU: After generic identify, caps: 0383f9ff 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 <7>CPU: After vendor identify, caps: 0383f9ff 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 <6>CPU: L1 I cache: 16K, L1 D cache: 16K <6>CPU: L2 cache: 128K <7>CPU: After all inits, caps: 0383f9ff 00000000 00000000 00000040 00000000 00000000 00000000 <6>Intel machine check architecture supported. <6>Intel machine check reporting enabled on CPU#0. <4>CPU: Intel Celeron (Coppermine) stepping 03 <6>Checking 'hlt' instruction... OK. <6>checking if image is isn't (no cpio magic); looks like an initrd <6>Freeing initrd memory: 3689k freed <6>NET: Registered protocol family 16 <6>PCI: PCI BIOS revision 2.10 entry at 0xfd9df, last bus=0 <6>PCI: Using configuration type 1 <6>ACPI: Subsystem revision 20060127 <6>ACPI: Interpreter disabled. <6>Linux Plug and Play Support v0.97 (c) Adam Belay <6>pnp: PnP ACPI: disabled <6>usbcore: registered new driver usbfs <6>usbcore: registered new driver hub <4>PCI: Probing PCI hardware <7>PCI: Probing PCI hardware (bus 00) <7>Boot video device is 0000:00:09.0 <6>PCI: Using IRQ router PIIX/ICH [8086/7198] at 0000:00:07.0 <4>PCI: Ignore bogus resource 6 [0:0] of 0000:00:09.0 <4>PCI: Bus 1, cardbus bridge: 0000:00:0a.0 <4> IO window: 00001800-000018ff <4> IO window: 00001c00-00001cff <4> PREFETCH window: 10000000-11ffffff <4> MEM window: 12000000-13ffffff <6>PCI: Found IRQ 11 for device 0000:00:0a.0 <6>Simple Boot Flag at 0x40 set to 0x1 <6>IBM machine detected. Enabling interrupts during APM calls. <6>apm: BIOS version 1.2 Flags 0x03 (Driver version 1.16ac) <6>audit: initializing netlink socket (disabled) <5>audit(1157187072.852:1): initialized <4>Total HugeTLB memory allocated, 0 <5>VFS: Disk quotas dquot_6.5.1 <4>Dquot-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order 0, 4096 bytes) <6>squashfs: version 3.0 (2006/03/15) Phillip Lougher <6>Initializing Cryptographic API <6>io scheduler noop registered <6>io scheduler anticipatory registered <6>io scheduler deadline registered <6>io scheduler cfq registered (default) <6>pci_hotplug: PCI Hot Plug PCI Core version: 0.5 <6>vesafb: framebuffer at 0xfd000000, mapped to 0xcc880000, using 2048k, total 2048k <6>vesafb: mode is 800x600x16, linelength=1600, pages=1 <6>vesafb: protected mode interface info at c94f:000b <6>vesafb: scrolling: redraw <6>vesafb: Truecolor: size=0:5:6:5, shift=0:11:5:0 <6>bootsplash: scanning last 2MB of initrd for signature <6>bootsplash 3.1.6-2004/03/31: looking for picture...<6> good signature found. <4>Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 100x37 <6>fb0: VESA VGA frame buffer device <6>isapnp: Scanning for PnP cards... <6>isapnp: No Plug & Play device found <6>Real Time Clock Driver v1.12ac <6>Linux agpgart interface v0.101 (c) Dave Jones <6>PNP: No PS/2 controller found. Probing ports directly. <6>serio: i8042 AUX port at 0x60,0x64 irq 12 <6>serio: i8042 KBD port at 0x60,0x64 irq 1 <6>Serial: 8250/16550 driver $Revision: 1.90 $ 4 ports, IRQ sharing enabled <4>RAMDISK driver initialized: 16 RAM disks of 16384K size 1024 blocksize <6>loop: loaded (max 8 devices) <6>Uniform Multi-Platform E-IDE driver Revision: 7.00alpha2 <6>ide: Assuming 33MHz system bus speed for PIO modes; override with idebus=xx <6>PIIX4: IDE controller at PCI slot 0000:00:07.1 <6>PIIX4: chipset revision 0 <6>PIIX4: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later <6> ide0: BM-DMA at 0x1420-0x1427, BIOS settings: hda:DMA, hdb:pio <6> ide1: BM-DMA at 0x1428-0x142f, BIOS settings: hdc:pio, hdd:pio <7>Probing IDE interface ide0... <4>hda: IC25N020ATCS04-0, ATA DISK drive <4>ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14 <7>Probing IDE interface ide1... <7>Probing IDE interface ide1... <6>hda: max request size: 128KiB <6>hda: 39070080 sectors (20003 MB) w/1768KiB Cache, CHS=38760/16/63, UDMA(33) <6>hda: cache flushes not supported <6> hda: hda1 hda2 hda3 <4>ide-floppy driver 0.99.newide <5>usbmon: debugfs is not available <6>usbcore: registered new driver libusual <6>usbcore: registered new driver hiddev <6>usbcore: registered new driver usbhid <6>drivers/usb/input/hid-core.c: v2.6:USB HID core driver <6>mice: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice <6>md: md driver 0.90.3 MAX_MD_DEVS=256, MD_SB_DISKS=27 <6>md: bitmap version 4.39 <6>NET: Registered protocol family 2 <6>input: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard as /class/input/input0 <4>IP route cache hash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes) <4>TCP established hash table entries: 8192 (order: 3, 32768 bytes) <4>TCP bind hash table entries: 8192 (order: 3, 32768 bytes) <6>TCP: Hash tables configured (established 8192 bind 8192) <6>TCP reno registered <6>Initializing IPsec netlink socket <6>NET: Registered protocol family 1 <6>NET: Registered protocol family 17 <4>Using IPI Shortcut mode <4>Suspend2 Core. <4>Suspend2 Compression Driver loading. <4>Suspend2 Encryption Driver loading. <4>Suspend2 Swap Writer loading. <4>Suspend2 FileWriter loading. <6>md: Autodetecting RAID arrays. <6>md: autorun ... <6>md: ... autorun DONE. <5>RAMDISK: Compressed image found at block 0 <4>VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem). <6>input: ImPS/2 Generic Wheel Mouse as /class/input/input1 <7>vga16fb: initializing <6>vga16fb: mapped to 0xc00a0000 <6>fb1: VGA16 VGA frame buffer device <4>encode_eucjp: module license 'unspecified' taints kernel. <6>Floppy drive(s): fd0 is 1.44M <6>FDC 0 is a National Semiconductor PC87306 <6>BIOS EDD facility v0.16 2004-Jun-25, 1 devices found <5>SCSI subsystem initialized <6>USB Universal Host Controller Interface driver v2.3 <6>PCI: Found IRQ 11 for device 0000:00:07.2 <6>PCI: Sharing IRQ 11 with 0000:00:0c.0 <6>uhci_hcd 0000:00:07.2: UHCI Host Controller <6>uhci_hcd 0000:00:07.2: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1 <6>uhci_hcd 0000:00:07.2: irq 11, io base 0x00001400 <6>usb usb1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice <6>hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found <6>hub 1-0:1.0: 2 ports detected <6>PCI: Found IRQ 11 for device 0000:00:0a.0 <6>Yenta: CardBus bridge found at 0000:00:0a.0 [1014:019a] <6>Yenta: Using CSCINT to route CSC interrupts to PCI <6>Yenta: Routing CardBus interrupts to PCI <6>Yenta TI: socket 0000:00:0a.0, mfunc 0x012c1222, devctl 0x64 <6>Yenta: ISA IRQ mask 0x0698, PCI irq 11 <6>Socket status: 30000010 <5>pccard: PCMCIA card inserted into slot 0 <3>FAT: bogus number of reserved sectors <6>VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev hda3. <4>EXT2-fs warning (device hda3): ext2_fill_super: mounting ext3 filesystem as ext2 <6>attempt to access beyond end of device <6>loop6: rw=0, want=94, limit=93 <4>isofs_fill_super: bread failed, dev=loop6, iso_blknum=23, block=46 <4>VFS: Can't find an ext2 filesystem on dev loop6. <3>cramfs: wrong magic <3>FAT: bogus number of reserved sectors <6>VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev loop6. <3>FAT: bogus number of reserved sectors <6>VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev hda3. <4>EXT2-fs warning (device hda3): ext2_fill_super: mounting ext3 filesystem as ext2 <6>attempt to access beyond end of device <6>loop6: rw=0, want=94, limit=93 <4>isofs_fill_super: bread failed, dev=loop6, iso_blknum=23, block=46 <4>VFS: Can't find an ext2 filesystem on dev loop6. <3>cramfs: wrong magic <3>FAT: bogus number of reserved sectors <6>VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev loop6. <3>FAT: bogus number of reserved sectors <6>VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev hda3. <4>EXT2-fs warning (device hda3): ext2_fill_super: mounting ext3 filesystem as ext2 <4>end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0 <4>end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0 <4>end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0 <3>FAT: bogus number of reserved sectors <6>VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev hda3. <4>EXT2-fs warning (device hda3): ext2_fill_super: mounting ext3 filesystem as ext2 <6>attempt to access beyond end of device <6>loop6: rw=0, want=94, limit=93 <4>isofs_fill_super: bread failed, dev=loop6, iso_blknum=23, block=46 <4>VFS: Can't find an ext2 filesystem on dev loop6. <3>cramfs: wrong magic <3>FAT: bogus number of reserved sectors <6>VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev loop6. <3>FAT: bogus number of reserved sectors <6>VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev hda3. <4>EXT2-fs warning (device hda3): ext2_fill_super: mounting ext3 filesystem as ext2 <4>EXT2-fs warning (device hda3): ext2_fill_super: mounting ext3 filesystem as ext2 <7>ISO 9660 Extensions: Microsoft Joliet Level 3 <7>ISO 9660 Extensions: RRIP_1991A <7>ISO 9660 Extensions: Microsoft Joliet Level 3 <7>ISO 9660 Extensions: RRIP_1991A <4>Unable to identify CD-ROM format. <4>VFS: Can't find an ext2 filesystem on dev loop1. <6>md: raid0 personality registered for level 0 <6>md: raid1 personality registered for level 1 <6>raid5: automatically using best checksumming function: pIII_sse <4> pIII_sse : 902.000 MB/sec <4>raid5: using function: pIII_sse (902.000 MB/sec) <6>md: raid5 personality registered for level 5 <6>md: raid4 personality registered for level 4 <4>raid6: int32x1 147 MB/s <4>raid6: int32x2 177 MB/s <4>raid6: int32x4 128 MB/s <4>raid6: int32x8 122 MB/s <4>raid6: mmxx1 436 MB/s <4>raid6: mmxx2 538 MB/s <4>raid6: sse1x1 437 MB/s <4>raid6: sse1x2 524 MB/s <4>raid6: using algorithm sse1x2 (524 MB/s) <6>md: raid6 personality registered for level 6 <6>JFS: nTxBlock = 1491, nTxLock = 11932 <6>SGI XFS with ACLs, security attributes, large block numbers, no debug enabled <6>SGI XFS Quota Management subsystem <6>device-mapper: 4.5.0-ioctl (2005-10-04) initialised: <4>EXT2-fs warning (device hda3): ext2_fill_super: mounting ext3 filesystem as ext2 <7>ISO 9660 Extensions: Microsoft Joliet Level 3 <7>ISO 9660 Extensions: RRIP_1991A <4>EXT2-fs warning (device hda3): ext2_fill_super: mounting ext3 filesystem as ext2 <7>ISO 9660 Extensions: Microsoft Joliet Level 3 <7>ISO 9660 Extensions: RRIP_1991A <4>EXT2-fs warning (device hda3): ext2_fill_super: mounting ext3 filesystem as ext2 <7>ISO 9660 Extensions: Microsoft Joliet Level 3 <7>ISO 9660 Extensions: RRIP_1991A <4>EXT2-fs warning (device hda3): ext2_fill_super: mounting ext3 filesystem as ext2 <7>ISO 9660 Extensions: Microsoft Joliet Level 3 <7>ISO 9660 Extensions: RRIP_1991A <4>EXT2-fs warning (device hda3): ext2_fill_super: mounting ext3 filesystem as ext2 <7>ISO 9660 Extensions: Microsoft Joliet Level 3 <7>ISO 9660 Extensions: RRIP_1991A <4>EXT2-fs warning (device hda3): ext2_fill_super: mounting ext3 filesystem as ext2 <7>ISO 9660 Extensions: Microsoft Joliet Level 3 <7>ISO 9660 Extensions: RRIP_1991A <4>EXT2-fs warning (device hda3): ext2_fill_super: mounting ext3 filesystem as ext2 <7>ISO 9660 Extensions: Microsoft Joliet Level 3 <7>ISO 9660 Extensions: RRIP_1991A <6>kjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds <6>EXT3 FS on hda1, internal journal <6>EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. <6>kjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds <6>EXT3 FS on hda3, internal journal <6>EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. <6>kjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds <6>EXT3 FS on hda3, internal journal <6>EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. <6>kjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds <6>EXT3 FS on hda3, internal journal <6>EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. <6>kjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds <6>EXT3 FS on hda1, internal journal <6>EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. <6>Adding 522104k swap on /dev/hda2. Priority:-1 extents:1 across:522104k <7>ISO 9660 Extensions: Microsoft Joliet Level 3 <7>ISO 9660 Extensions: RRIP_1991A /tmp/anaconda.log: * modules to insert vgastate vga16fb * loaded vgastate from /modules/modules.cgz * loaded vga16fb from /modules/modules.cgz * inserted /tmp/vgastate.ko * inserted /tmp/vga16fb.ko * load module set done * modules to insert encode-eucjp * loaded encode-eucjp from /modules/modules.cgz * inserted /tmp/encode-eucjp.ko * load module set done * 190916 kB are available * modules to insert cramfs fat vfat sunrpc lockd nfs_acl nfs loop isofs floppy edd * loaded fat from /modules/modules.cgz * loaded vfat from /modules/modules.cgz * loaded sunrpc from /modules/modules.cgz * loaded lockd from /modules/modules.cgz * loaded nfs_acl from /modules/modules.cgz * loaded nfs from /modules/modules.cgz * loaded floppy from /modules/modules.cgz * loaded edd from /modules/modules.cgz * module(s) cramfs loop isofs not found * inserted /tmp/fat.ko * inserted /tmp/vfat.ko * inserted /tmp/sunrpc.ko * inserted /tmp/lockd.ko * inserted /tmp/nfs_acl.ko * inserted /tmp/nfs.ko * inserted /tmp/floppy.ko * inserted /tmp/edd.ko * load module set done * modules to insert cdrom ide-cd * module(s) cdrom ide-cd not found * load module set done * modules to insert scsi_mod sd_mod sr_mod * loaded scsi_mod from /modules/modules.cgz * loaded sd_mod from /modules/modules.cgz * loaded sr_mod from /modules/modules.cgz * inserted /tmp/scsi_mod.ko * inserted /tmp/sd_mod.ko * inserted /tmp/sr_mod.ko * load module set done * looking for usb controllers * found USB controller uhci-hcd * modules to insert uhci-hcd * loaded uhci-hcd from /modules/modules.cgz * inserted /tmp/uhci-hcd.ko * load module set done * waiting for usb to become stable... * 2 seconds. * modules to insert hid keybdev * module(s) hid keybdev not found * load module set done * no firewire controller found * found cardbus pci adapter * modules to insert pcmcia_core rsrc_nonstatic yenta_socket ds * loaded pcmcia_core from /modules/modules.cgz * loaded rsrc_nonstatic from /modules/modules.cgz * loaded yenta_socket from /modules/modules.cgz * module(s) ds not found * inserted /tmp/pcmcia_core.ko * inserted /tmp/rsrc_nonstatic.ko * inserted /tmp/yenta_socket.ko * load module set done * probing buses * finished bus probing * modules to insert * load module set done * got to setupCdrom without a CD device * going to set language to ja_JP.eucJP * setting language to ja_JP.eucJP * 48 keymaps are available * devices[0] is fd0 * devices[1] is hda * error unmounting: No such file or directory * trying to mount /dev/hda3 as partition * mntloop loop6 on /tmp/drivers as /tmp/dpart/aha152x_.ko fd is 10 * failed to mount loop: Invalid argument * trying to mount /dev/hda3 as partition * mntloop loop6 on /tmp/drivers as /tmp/dpart/aha152x_.ko fd is 10 * failed to mount loop: Invalid argument * trying to mount /dev/hda3 as partition * devices[0] is fd0 * devices[1] is hda * devices[0] is fd0 * devices[1] is hda * trying to mount fd0 * devices[0] is fd0 * devices[1] is hda * error unmounting: Invalid argument * trying to mount /dev/hda3 as partition * mntloop loop6 on /tmp/drivers as /tmp/dpart/aha152x_.ko fd is 10 * failed to mount loop: Invalid argument * trying to mount /dev/hda3 as partition * devices[0] is fd0 * devices[1] is hda * starting to STEP_URL * partition /dev/hda3 selected * mounting device hda3 for hard drive install * mntloop loop7 on /tmp/loopimage as /tmp/hdimage//vine40.iso fd is 11 * umounting loopback /tmp/loopimage loop7 * Path to valid iso is /tmp/hdimage//vine40.iso * Looking for updates for HD in /tmp/hdimage//updates.img * mntloop loop0 on /tmp/loopimage as /tmp/hdimage//vine40.iso fd is 10 * 190916 kB are available * Looking for hd stage2 image /tmp/loopimage///Vine/base/stage2.img * Found hd stage2 * Copying /tmp/loopimage///Vine/base/stage2.img in RAM as stage 2 * copied 47112192 bytes to /tmp/ramfs/stage2.img (complete) * mntloop loop1 on /mnt/runtime as /tmp/ramfs/stage2.img fd is 11 * umounting loopback /tmp/loopimage loop0 * got url hd://hda3:ext2/ * failed to mount /selinux: No such device * getting ready to spawn shell now * modules to insert cdrom ide-cd * module(s) cdrom ide-cd not found * load module set done * modules to insert * load module set done * modules to insert ds * module(s) ds not found * load module set done * probing buses * finished bus probing * modules to insert * load module set done * looking for video cards requiring agpgart module * no video cards found * modules to insert md raid0 raid1 xor raid5 raid6 msdos jbd ext3 reiserfs jfs exportfs xfs dm-mod dm-zero dm-mirror dm-snapshot * loaded raid0 from /mnt/runtime/modules/modules.cgz * loaded raid1 from /mnt/runtime/modules/modules.cgz * loaded xor from /mnt/runtime/modules/modules.cgz * loaded raid5 from /mnt/runtime/modules/modules.cgz * loaded raid6 from /mnt/runtime/modules/modules.cgz * loaded msdos from /mnt/runtime/modules/modules.cgz * loaded jfs from /mnt/runtime/modules/modules.cgz * loaded exportfs from /mnt/runtime/modules/modules.cgz * loaded xfs from /mnt/runtime/modules/modules.cgz * loaded dm-mod from /mnt/runtime/modules/modules.cgz * loaded dm-zero from /mnt/runtime/modules/modules.cgz * loaded dm-mirror from /mnt/runtime/modules/modules.cgz * loaded dm-snapshot from /mnt/runtime/modules/modules.cgz * module(s) md jbd ext3 reiserfs not found * inserted /tmp/raid0.ko * inserted /tmp/raid1.ko * inserted /tmp/xor.ko * inserted /tmp/raid5.ko * inserted /tmp/raid6.ko * inserted /tmp/msdos.ko * inserted /tmp/jfs.ko * inserted /tmp/exportfs.ko * inserted /tmp/xfs.ko * inserted /tmp/dm-mod.ko * inserted /tmp/dm-zero.ko * inserted /tmp/dm-mirror.ko * inserted /tmp/dm-snapshot.ko * load module set done * loading parallel port drivers... * modules to insert parport parport_pc * loaded parport from /mnt/runtime/modules/modules.cgz * loaded parport_pc from /mnt/runtime/modules/modules.cgz * inserted /tmp/parport.ko * inserted /tmp/parport_pc.ko * load module set done * looking for USB mouse... * Running anaconda script /usr/bin/anaconda * Display mode = g * Method = hd://hda3:ext2/ * Started mini-wm * going to mount /tmp/hda3 on /tmp/isodir * going to mount /tmp/loop2 on /mnt/cdimage * anaconda floppy device fd0 * running ['/usr/X11R6/bin/setxkbmap', '-layout', 'jp', '-model', 'jp106', '-option', ''] * going to mount /tmp/hda3 on /tmp/isodir * going to mount /tmp/loop3 on /tmp/isomedia * going to mount /tmp/hda3 on /tmp/isodir * going to mount /tmp/loop3 on /tmp/isomedia * going to mount /tmp/hda3 on /tmp/isodir * going to mount /tmp/loop3 on /tmp/isomedia * going to mount /tmp/hda3 on /tmp/isodir * going to mount /tmp/loop3 on /tmp/isomedia * going to mount /tmp/hda3 on /tmp/isodir * going to mount /tmp/loop3 on /tmp/isomedia * going to mount /tmp/hda3 on /tmp/isodir * going to mount /tmp/loop3 on /tmp/isomedia * moving (1) to step welcome * moving (1) to step findrootparts * going to mount /tmp/hda1 on /mnt/sysimage * going to mount /tmp/hda3 on /mnt/sysimage * moving (1) to step findinstall * moving (1) to step partitionobjinit * moving (1) to step upgrademount * going to mount hda3 on /mnt/sysimage as ext3 * going to mount /tmp/hda3 on /mnt/sysimage * trying to mount hda3 on / * going to mount /dev/hda3 on /mnt/sysimage * trying to mount hda1 on /boot * going to mount /dev/hda1 on /mnt/sysimage/boot * trying to mount none on /proc * going to mount none on /mnt/sysimage/proc * trying to mount none on /sys * going to mount none on /mnt/sysimage/sys * moving (1) to step upgradecontinue * moving (1) to step upgrademigfind * moving (1) to step upgbootloader * moving (1) to step bootloadersetup * moving (1) to step bootloader * moving (1) to step bootloaderadvanced * moving (1) to step readcomps * going to mount /tmp/loop3 on /tmp/isomedia /tmp/lvmout: File descriptor 3 left open File descriptor 4 left open File descriptor 5 left open File descriptor 6 left open File descriptor 7 left open File descriptor 8 left open File descriptor 9 left open File descriptor 10 left open File descriptor 11 left open File descriptor 16 left open No volume groups found apable devices Wiping internal VG cache Finding all volume groups No volume groups found Reading all physical volumes. This may take a while... while...